Page 326 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 326

 Grade 11, University/College Preparation
Kingdom of Kush contribute to its economic development?” “What role did tributes play
in the development of the economy of the Aztec Empire? What impact did such practices have on the lives of tributary peoples?” “What were some early accounting practices? How was financial information collected and recorded?”
B2.5 describe key political structures in some early societies and emerging civilizations (e.g., with reference to tribes and clans, chiefdoms, monarchies, sultanates, caliphates, khanates, shogunates), and analyse their impact on these societies
Sample questions: “What is the Narmer Palette? What does it tell us about ancient Egyptian political history? Do all historians agree on how the palette should be interpreted?” “How was religion used to legitimize political authority
in some early societies?” “How did Emperor Ashoka use religion to help unify people under his rule? What impact did this have on Indian society?”
B3. Cooperation, Conflict, and Rising Civilizations
FOCUS ON: Historical Significance; Continuity and Change
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 explain how various factors contributed to the ability of certain early societies to dominate others (e.g., with reference to effective organiza- tional/administrative structures, cultural or religious influence, superiority in agricultural or artisanal/manufacturing output, trade dominance, size of armies or skill of military commanders, superior transportation or military technology)
Sample questions: “How important was military might to the expansion and dominance of early societies/civilizations?” “How did the adminis- trative systems of the Umayyad caliphate help it expand and consolidate its empire?” “What role did canal building play in the dominance of the Chimú Empire?”
B3.2 explain how various factors contributed to cooperation between early societies and to the development of civilizations (e.g., with reference to language or cultural affinities, trade interests, similarity of belief systems, military alliances, migration)
Sample questions: “How did trade and commerce along the Silk Road benefit societies bordering this route?” “What factors contributed to the cooperation between Turks and Mongol tribes that led to the birth of the Mongol Empire?”
B3.3 analyse some ways in which early societies responded to external influences (e.g., construction of defensive walls or fortified towns, opening of trade posts, adoption or adaptation of new ideas and technologies) and how some of these responses contributed to the development of civilizations
Sample questions: “When you analyse emerging civilizations, did they tend to be insular or out- ward looking?” “What are some ways in which the early Roman Empire adopted elements of the cultures it conquered? How did this contribute to the success of and expansion of the empire?” “What impact did the creation of a class of Chinese-speaking mandarins have on ancient Vietnam?”
         THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies

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