Page 310 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 310

 Grade 11, University Preparation
       THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
the expansion of slavery and plantation economies in the South; reciprocity with Canada; early trade unions and labour unrest; gold rushes in California and other western territories)
Sample questions: “How and why did the impact of the Industrial Revolution differ in various regions of the United States?” “In what ways did investment and the development of infrastructure in the West transform the lives of different groups in this region? Did these changes affect all people equally? Were the changes always positive?”
C1.5 describe key political events and develop- ments in the United States during this period (e.g., the formation of political parties, Jacksonian democracy and the expansion of the franchise, the Twelfth Amendment’s changes to the electoral college, the definition of federal and states’ rights, Tammany Hall, the secession of the Confederacy, the Civil War, the ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment, Reconstruction, the assassination of Abraham Lincoln), and assess their impact on the American political system and on various groups in the United States
Sample questions: “What constitutional amend- ments were enacted during this period? What changes did they bring about? Who was affected by them?”
C2. Communities, Conflict, and Cooperation
FOCUS ON: Cause and Consequence; Historical Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 analyse developments affecting interactions between Native American nations and govern- ments in the United States during this period, and assess their impact (e.g., with reference to the Jay Treaty, the Battle of Tippecanoe, the participation of Native Americans in the War of 1812, the Seminole Wars, the Indian Removal Act of 1830, forced migrations, the Indian Appropriations Act
of 1851 and the creation of western reservations, the Great Sioux War, the Nez Perce War)
Sample questions: “What social attitudes were reflected in Congress’s ignoring Cherokee chief John Ross’s plea against the forced removal of his people?” “If the chiefs of the Seminole and the Cherokee both wanted the same thing – to stay on their land – why did one choose to fight the government in a court of law while the
other chose armed resistance?” “How would you characterize U.S. government policy with respect to Native American nations during this period?”
C2.2 explain how various developments contributed to the birth of some social reform movements in the United States during this period, and assess the impact of these movements (e.g., with reference to women’s rights, abolitionist, temperance, and/or labour movements; activism for reform of asylums for the mentally ill or for prison reform)
Sample questions: “What led Dorothea Dix
to begin her work to improve conditions for mentally ill people? What resistance did she encounter? What is her legacy?” “Why do you think so many social reformers at this time were Quakers?” “What factors contributed to the decision to organize the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848?” “When you look at the various social movements of this time period, which do you think had the greatest impact on American society? What criteria might you use to measure the impact?”
C2.3 analyse key developments in the relationship between the northern and southern states during this period, and assess their significance in shaping the development of the United States (e.g., with reference to the Missouri Compromise, the Compromise of 1850, Bleeding Kansas, secession of southern states, the Civil War, Reconstruction policies, carpetbaggers, the Compromise of 1877)
Sample questions: “What criteria might you use to rank, in order of importance, the events that led to the American Civil War? If one of these events had not occurred, do you think history might have been different? If so, in what ways, and why?” “What were the short- and long- term consequences of the war? Do you think it continues to affect American society and/or politics?”
C2.4 analyse key developments in relations between the United States and other countries, and explain their consequences for the United States (e.g., with reference to the War of 1812, the Treaty of Ghent, the Monroe Doctrine, the Alamo, the Mexican-American War, relations with Great Britain during the American Civil War)
Sample questions: “Why do there continue to be conflicting viewpoints on the outcome of the War of 1812?” “Why is the Monroe Doctrine seen as a turning point in American foreign policy?”

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