Page 308 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 308

 Grade 11, University Preparation
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
B3.2 explain some key differences among the Thirteen Colonies (e.g., with reference to their beginnings as charter, proprietary, or royal colonies; types of landownership; types of labour for and general treatment of Black slaves; origins of settlers; Native populations; economic base; level of urbanization; religion), and analyse how these differences contributed to the development of distinct regional identities in the United States
Sample questions: “How did early models of English settlement shape the American colonial experience? What was the long-term legacy of these models?”
B3.3 analyse the role of religion/spirituality in the development of the United States prior to 1791 (e.g., with reference to the role of Puritans and Quakers in establishing some of the American colonies, Catholics in Maryland, dissenters, the Great Awakening, the rise of evangelicalism, Spanish missions in New Mexico, Deism among some political leaders, cosmologies of some indigen- ous and African cultures, Christianity among slaves)
Sample questions: “Why did William Penn and other Quakers come to the American colonies? Were they free from religious persecution there? What impact did Penn and the Quakers have on the American colonies?”
B3.4 analyse the impact of prejudice and discriminatory policies and practices in the United States prior to 1791 (e.g., with reference to slavery and slave codes, attempts to convert Native American people and disregard for their
land rights and ways of life, discrimination against Catholics, the Salem witch trials, the status of women)
Sample questions: “What social attitudes were reflected in anti-Catholic laws and policies in the United States during this time period? In what ways have these social attitudes changed over time?” “To what extent did the laws and policies of the new country reflect the ideas of liberty and equality expressed in the Declaration of Independence?” “Why did Abigail Adams ask her husband to ‘remember the ladies’ when he was helping to draft the laws of the new American republic? Was her request honoured?”
B3.5 explain how various individuals who lived in the United States prior to 1791, as well as symbols dating from this period, contributed to the development of identity, citizenship, and/or heritage in the United States (e.g., individuals such as Abigail Adams, Benjamin Banneker, Alexander McGillivray, William Penn, Pocahontas, Pontiac, Paul Revere, Phyllis Wheatley, George Whitefield, the Founding Fathers; symbols such as Yankee Doodle, the Betsy Ross flag, the Second Amendment)
Sample questions: “What was the impact of
the Boston Tea Party? Why did the Tea Party become such an enduring symbol in the United States? What does it symbolize? What is the significance of the use of the name by the current Tea Party movement? Do you think the beliefs and goals of that movement are consistent with those of the original Tea Party? Why or why not?”

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