Page 277 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 277

D3.2 analyse impacts of globalization on human and natural systems within various countries (e.g., increased industrial employment in developing countries, but with low wages and poor working conditions; disruption of traditional societies and economies; loss of manufacturing capacity and manufacturing jobs in developed countries; increased water and air pollution in developing countries; increased greenhouse gas emissions from transpor- tation; damage to local ecosystems from invasive species introduced by global travel and trade)
Sample questions: “How is globalization affect- ing indigenous communities in various parts of the world?” “How might a consumer-driven economy that depends on cheap, easily dispos- able goods (sometimes called a ‘disposable economy’) contribute to disparities at both a local and a global level?” “In what ways does globalization facilitate the spread of disease between countries? Why might some countries
be more vulnerable to the spread of disease than others?” “In what ways has globalization facilitated human and animal trafficking?” “How has globalization affected national security?” “In what ways has the world benefited from globalization?” “What is the difference between the impacts of globalization on developed countries and its impacts on developing countries?” “Has globalization encouraged
the mixing of cultures, or has it reinforced Western cultural domination?” “Does tourism give people a better appreciation of other cultures? How do large international events like the Olympic Games affect our awareness
of other countries and our interactions with them?” “How has globalization contributed to greater consumption and resource use? How has it affected the flow and disposal of e-waste and other toxic wastes associated with these uses?”
 World Issues: A Geographic Analysis

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