Page 275 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 275

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. Managing Globalization: assess responsibilities for managing the impacts of globalization, and describe ways in which these impacts can be moderated (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
D2. Multinational Corporations: analyse issues related to the operations of multinational corporations in the global economy (FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Geographic Perspective)
D3. Globalization – Characteristics and Impacts: analyse the principal characteristics and major impacts of globalization (FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective)
D1. Managing Globalization
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 describe the characteristics of global citizen- ship, and explain how individuals, acting as global citizens, can help to lessen economic, social, and environmental impacts associated with globalization (e.g., by informing themselves about how products are made and disposed of, buying fair-trade products, boycotting products made through exploitive practices, raising awareness of labour and environmental issues in developing countries, supporting NGOs that are active in promoting workers’ rights and environmental protection in producing countries)
Sample questions: “In what ways are we members of a global community, and what responsibilities do we have to that community?” “Should consumers be concerned about how the products they buy are made? Would you be willing to pay more for products that have not been produced in sweatshops?” “How can you find out where products are made and whether manufacturers follow acceptable labour and environmental practices?” “What are some examples of fair-trade products, and how does fair-trade certification protect small producers in developing countries?” “How can you
influence labour standards in other countries through your purchases? How can you support Canadian businesses through your purchases?”
D1.2 assess the responsibilities of governments and businesses for managing economic, environmental, and social impacts associated with globalization, and describe ways in which this could be done (e.g., through national laws regarding foreign operations of domestic companies, international organizations such as the International Labour Organization, international agreements such as the Basel Convention, voluntary business initiatives such as implementing codes of conduct requiring foreign suppliers to meet more stringent labour and environmental standards, making information available to consumers about where their products are made and what standards their suppliers must adhere to)
Sample questions: “In what ways do various governments ensure that businesses based in their countries operate ethically and legally in other countries? Why might some countries choose not to ensure this?” “What is the Basel Convention? What is the Accord on Fire and Building Safety in Bangladesh?” “What respon- sibility do businesses have to ensure that they do not exploit workers or cause environmental damage in the countries in which they operate?” “What can governments and businesses in developed countries do to offset the impacts
of globalization on their economies?”
 World Issues: A Geographic Analysis

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