Page 255 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 255

sensors [multispectral scanner, radar, digital camera], receiving stations, manual and scanning digitization)
Sample questions: “What types of information can be gathered using remote sensing? How does that compare with other types of imaging tools?” “In what circumstances might one use lidar instead of radar?”
B3.7 explain the different types and characteristics of data needed to create an image or construct a map (e.g., types: analogue versus digital data, sets of layers or themes, spatial versus non-spatial data and the concept of attributes, qualitative and quantitative data, raster versus vector data; characteristics: accuracy; pixel value; the matrix structure of an image versus points, lines, and polygons of GIS; spectral signatures and spectral reflectance curves such as histograms; various types of image enhancements; classification techniques such as supervised versus unsupervised data)
 Spatial Technologies in Action

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