Page 254 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 254

 Grade 12, University/College Preparation
  THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
types of symbology (e.g., graduated colour, proportional symbols) and classification (e.g., natural breaks, equal intervals, quantiles) can be added to a legend. Different scale intervals can be explored to determine the most mean- ingful way to present the information.
B2. Interpreting Spatial Data
FOCUS ON: Spatial Significance; Patterns and Trends
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 interpret a variety of images (e.g., aerial photographs, satellite images, web-based map images) of different areas of the world, describing observed spatial characteristics (e.g., tone, texture, shape, pattern, size, association, shadow) and identifying physical and human features based on direct observations or inferences
Sample questions: “What is the difference between observation and inference?” “How do you use inference when reviewing different types of images?”
B2.2 interpret satellite images (e.g., remote sensing images, infrared images) and use their conclusions to organize major features of the world (e.g., mountain systems, vegetation belts, oceans) into spatial regions
B2.3 interpret a variety of maps (e.g., thematic, topographic), aerial photographs, and satellite images to analyse patterns of physical and human features
Sample question: “How do rivers, glaciers, trees, and buildings appear on a topographic map, an aerial photograph, and a satellite remote sensing image?”
Using spatial skills: Students can use different types of base maps (e.g., topographic imagery, terrain) in a GIS to explore and analyse the various ways in which physical landforms, drainage, vegetation and human patterns, transportation networks, and population distribution may be represented (e.g., through the use of contour lines, shading, colour).
B3. Fundamentals of Spatial Organization
FOCUS ON: Interrelationships; Geographic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 describe and calculate the ways in which various types of scales and resolutions in cartography, GIS, remote sensing, and GPS
(e.g., small scale, large scale, linear scale, statement, representative fraction, number of pixels, map resolution, spatial resolution) affect the degree
of clarity of a map or image
Sample question: “How does the number of pixels influence the clarity of an image at various scales?”
B3.2 explain direction as used in cartography, GIS, remote sensing, and GPS, including, but not limited to, the following concepts: true north, magnetic north, grid directions, bearings, azimuth, nadir, “look direction”, range, total field of view, and flight path
Sample questions: “How does the earth’s shape affect the placement of the direction arrow on
a map?” “How do the earth’s lines of latitude relate to distance?” “Why is it important to understand the concept of a great circle route when determining a flight path?”
B3.3 apply the concept of location in cartography, GIS, remote sensing, and GPS, using geographic coordinates (e.g., latitude and longitude, the Universal Transverse Mercator [UTM] system, geodetic datum), geocoding (e.g., street address, postal code), georeferencing, geocaching, routing, and triangulation and trilateration
B3.4 describe key concepts associated with elevation in cartography (e.g., spot elevation, contour lines, shading and grading, benchmarks), GIS, remote sensing, land surveying, and digital elevation models (DEMs)
B3.5 identify the properties and uses of different types of map projections (e.g., azimuthal, conical, cylindrical, equal-area cylindrical, conformal, gnomonic, stereographic, oblique)
Sample questions: “How do different projections in GIS software affect the way in which various countries or continents are presented?” “Why would someone choose one projection over another?”
Using spatial skills: Students can use GIS to compare the scale of distances between features and the size of the total area for the same region of the world using various map projections.
B3.6 describe various means of acquiring information and data about the earth’s surface using cartography, GIS, remote sensing, and GPS (e.g., the process involving the energy source, its structure, and the interactions with the atmosphere and the target; the organization of the electromagnetic spectrum, active versus passive sensing, types of platforms [satellites, airplanes, handheld cameras], orientations of platforms [orbits, paths], types of

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