Page 119 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 119

C4.2 analyse some key economic issues related
to Canada’s natural resources from the perspec- tive of different stakeholders (e.g., extracting and transporting oil and natural gas; the marketing of asbestos overseas; the use and protection of Canada’s water; resource development and Aboriginal land claims; resource extraction in national parks)
Sample question: “Why might beverage companies, retailers, environmentalists, and different levels of government have differing perspectives on the bottling and selling of water?”
C4.3 explain why various stakeholders might have different views of the costs and benefits of a project affecting the local natural environment (e.g., a proposal for an energy pipeline, a resource- extraction or -processing proposal, an alternative energy project, highway expansion, a new housing
or commercial development, the expansion of public transit, a new skateboard park)
Sample questions: “Why might a community agree to have a new landfill site in the area? What might be the benefits for the community? Would all stakeholders benefit, or benefit equally? What might be the costs? Would all stakeholders calculate the costs the same way?” “How might different stakeholders view
the costs and benefits of logging a forest in
a particular area? Why might some groups, including local Aboriginal communities, believe that not all costs are considered
in a traditional cost-benefit analysis of such activity?”
 Making Personal Economic Choices

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