Page 118 - THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
P. 118

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
       THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 11 AND 12 | Canadian and World Studies
C2.3 apply the circular flow model to analyse interactions between key components of Canada’s economy (e.g., households, businesses, governments)
Sample questions: “How are the components of Canada’s economy connected to each other? How does money flow between these compon- ents?” “What might be the impact of a smaller role for the government in the economy?”
C2.4 describe common business organization models in Canada (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, cooperative, corporation), and analyse some of their advantages and disadvantages
Sample questions: “Why might someone choose to join others in forming a cooperative rather than form a sole proprietorship?” “What are some of the factors to consider when determining whether to enter into a business partnership?”
C2.5 describe different ways in which governments are involved in the Canadian economy (e.g.,
as consumers, regulators, producers, employers, redistributors of income, tax/tariff collectors, quota setters, trade negotiators), and explain some of the effects of this involvement
Sample questions: “What is the role of govern- ment transfer payments in Canada?” “Why does the provincial government require drivers to have car insurance? What impact, if any, does this requirement have on you?” “What are some employment opportunities with the local, provincial, and/or federal government?”
C3. The Role of Labour
FOCUS ON: Cause and Effect; Economic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 describe some key rights and responsibilities of labour (e.g., the right to fair compensation, to fair hiring/firing practices, to safe working condi- tions, to organize and bargain collectively, to a harassment-free workplace; the responsibility to
comply with regulations, to alert the employer to safety hazards)
Sample questions: “What action should a worker take if he or she has been asked to work on damaged or unsafe equipment?” “What type
of behaviour constitutes harassment in the workplace? How should a worker respond to such behaviour?”
C3.2 describe some ways in which labour organizes in Canada as well as some categories of unorganized labour (e.g., with reference to
professional associations, labour unions, non- unionized labour, worker-run cooperatives, itinerant workers, temporary foreign workers), and analyse some of the advantages and disadvantages of organized and unorganized labour from the perspective of different stakeholders (e.g., workers, business, governments, consumers)
Sample question: “Why might workers and corporations have different views on unions?”
C3.3 explain how various factors contribute to the value of the individual in the employment market (e.g., productivity; skills, including language and technical skills; education; talent; supply and demand; employers’ assumptions related to race, gender, and/or sexual orientation)
Sample questions: “What types of jobs are available in our community? Why types of skills are needed for these jobs?” “What are some factors that can hurt a person’s chances of finding a job?”
C3.4 analyse the characteristics of some Canadian entrepreneurs as well as the role of entrepreneurs in the Canadian economy (e.g., First Nations
or youth entrepreneurs, small-business people, individuals such as Arlene Dickinson, Clarence Louie, Tom Maracle, Michael Lee-Chin)
Sample questions: “What characteristics do many entrepreneurs seem to have in common? Why do you think that is?” “How important is the role played by entrepreneurs in the Canadian economy?”
C4. Stakeholders’ Views on Economic Issues
FOCUS ON: Stability and Variability; Economic Perspective
By the end of this course, students will:
C4.1 describe the main differences between
the public and the private sector, and explain some of the advantages and disadvantages
of privatizing public services and/or Crown corporations in Canada (e.g., Canada Post, Ontario Hydro, Via Rail, the Liquor Control Board of Ontario)
Sample questions: “What are some Crown corporations that have been privatized? Do you think their privatization was a good idea? Why or why not? Why might different stakeholders have different perspectives on this issue?” “If the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation were privatized, do you think the impact would be the same in northern Ontario as it would be in southern Ontario?”

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