Page 88 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 88

  Electronic Communications and Teamwork
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• useavarietyofelectronicresourcestoretrieve,evaluate,andcommunicateinformation;
• demonstrate an understanding of the team process in the work environment;
• use software and electronic tools to implement organizational and time-management strategies.
Specific Expectations
Electronic Research and Communication – By the end of this course, students will:
– use a variety of search engines to locate information for specific purposes;
– evaluate information collected from elec- tronic sources for usefulness, validity, bias, accuracy, reliability, and currency;
– adhere to copyright and licensing rules and regulations;
– identify ways of communicating electroni- cally with individuals working in different locations;
identify personal qualities that enhance employee effectiveness and productivity
in a team environment (e.g., promptness, ability to get along with others, depend- ability, honesty, willingness to ask questions, respect for diversity, positive attitude);
– use the appropriate type of electronic tool
for communicating a message to a specific
audience. – explain ways in which software and elec-
The Team Process
By the end of this course, students will:
– explain why businesses form teams to complete information and communication technology projects;
tronic tools can help with organization and time management;
– demonstrate the ability to use software for electronic time management (e.g., create and maintain a to-do list, a calendar, a planner).
– identify ways of working effectively in a team with co-workers who are of differ- ent ages, come from different cultures, and have a range of abilities.
Organization and Time Management
By the end of this course, students will:
– organize computer files into appropriately named folders;

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