Page 87 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 87

  Applications Software
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• use appropriate software to create integrated customized documents that meet professional business standards;
• demonstrate the effective use of multimedia software;
• use appropriate software to facilitate the completion of a team project that involves a multimedia product.
Specific Expectations
Integrating Applications
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify the most appropriate software application for specific tasks;
– select the most appropriate software appli- cation (e.g., database, graphic editing, ani- mation, concept mapping) for creating customized business documents that meet professional business standards;
– demonstrate appropriate use of advanced software features and functions (e.g., styles, autocorrect/quick correct, templates, object linking, payment function, database reports) to create business documents that meet professional business standards;
– produce integrated business documents (e.g., reports with charts, mail merge letters using data in an existing data source, linked documents in a presentation) for specific purposes.
By the end of this course, students will:
– differentiate between multimedia file for- mats (e.g.,GIF,JPG,PNG,WAV,AVI) and identify the applications with which each format is compatible;
– use graphic editing software to edit (e.g., crop; adjust colour, size) and export graphics;
– use multimedia features (e.g., sound, animation, video, graphics) to enhance a product (e.g., web page, presentation, e-newsletter).
Using Software for a Team Project
By the end of this course, students will:
– use appropriate software to organize the tasks involved in completing a team project (e.g., setting goals, organizing tasks, scheduling, budgeting, controlling, evaluating);
– demonstrate the use of electronic tools (e.g., file sharing, e-mail) to facilitate the completion of the team project;
– create a multimedia product in a team environment, using appropriate software;
– communicate the finished product to an appropriate audience (e.g., present and/or demonstrate the product; provide the opportunity for the audience to try out the product and to provide feedback on its effectiveness).

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