Page 62 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 62

  Enterprising Skills
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• assess the skills of an enterprising employee;
• assess the extent to which they have developed enterprising skills;
• analyse activities and experiences to identify those that develop enterprising skills in managing risks, using creative-thinking and problem-solving techniques, and sharing ideas.
Specific Expectations
Assessing Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
– explain the nature and importance of critical-analysis, problem-solving, and creative-thinking skills for an enterprising employee;
– describe ways in which a person can con- tinuously develop enterprising skills;
– describe the self-management skills that are important to an enterprising employee (e.g. organizational and time-management skills, ability to balance work with other aspects of life).
Assessing Personal Progress
By the end of this course, students will:
– describe the ways in which their interests, accomplishments, relationships with others, and leisure activities have helped develop their enterprising skills;
– analyse their enterprising skills to identify those they have developed and those they should develop;
– distinguish between enterprising attitudes and attributes that are innate and those that can be learned;
– assess the personal rewards of becoming an enterprising individual.
Identifying Opportunities for Developing Enterprising Skills
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify opportunities within the school curriculum to apply and develop enter- prising skills (e.g., career mentoring, work experience, cooperative education, semi- nars, group activities);
– identify co-curricular opportunities that can help develop enterprising skills (e.g., school teams and clubs, student council);
– assess opportunities to develop enterpris- ing attributes and skills through part-time jobs;
– identify opportunities to participate in volunteer community-service programs that require enterprising skills;
– compare specific entry-level jobs in terms of the opportunities they present to apply and develop enterprising skills (e.g., as illustrated in the occupational profiles at the HRSDC website).

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