Page 124 - Business Studies 11-12 (2006)
P. 124

  Foundations of Management
Overall Expectations
By the end of this course, students will:
• assess the role of management within an organization;
• demonstrate the use of appropriate communication techniques related to business management;
• evaluate the impact of issues related to ethics and social responsibility on the management of organizations.
Specific Expectations
Management Fundamentals
By the end of this course, students will:
– identify the characteristics of an organiza- tion (e.g., purpose, division of labour, hier- archy of authority);
– evaluate the different levels of management with respect to roles, responsibilities, activ- ities, skills, and competencies;
– evaluate major management theories and practices (e.g., classical, behavioural, quan- titative approach, systems theories; total quality management).
Business Communication
By the end of this course, students will:
– demonstrate the effective use of informa- tion and communication technology (e.g., word processing software, e-mail, electronic research tools) for a variety of management purposes;
– demonstrate appropriate techniques for making group and individual presentations (e.g., use a variety of appropriate visual aids, make eye contact where appropriate, speak clearly);
– demonstrate an understanding of manage- ment concepts and theories discussed in relation to current business issues in a vari- ety of sources (e.g., newspapers, magazines, documentaries, websites);
– use proper business vocabulary in oral and written communication;
– demonstrate effective use of business communication documents (e.g., business reports, correspondence).
Issues of Ethics and Social Responsibility
By the end of this course, students will:
– evaluate the impact of major ethical issues (e.g., bribery, harassment, polluting the environment, theft in the workplace, Aboriginal land claims versus interests of resource companies ) and dilemmas (e.g., for the individual, the workplace, and the local and global community) on manage- ment strategies and decision making;
– explain the nature of corporate ethical and social responsibility and analyse, on the basis of research, including stakeholder analysis, a particular company’s commitment to it (e.g., in relation to non-discriminatory hiring, promotion, and retention practices; implementing the Persons with Disabilities Act and the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act; environmental issues; customer/supplier relationships).

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