Page 89 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 89

By the end of this course, students will:
 C1. Terminology: demonstrate an understanding of, and use proper terminology when referring to, elements, principles, and other key concepts related to various arts disciplines;
C2. ContextsandInfluences:demonstrateanunderstandingofsymbolsandthemesassociatedwithart works produced by various cultures, and describe past and present influences on various arts disciplines;
C3. Conventions and Responsible Practices: demonstrate an understanding of conventions and responsible practices associated with various arts disciplines, and apply these practices when creating, presenting, and experiencing art works.
C1. Terminology
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 use appropriate terminology related to elements, principles, and other key concepts when creating, analysing, or presenting various types of art works (e.g., use appropriate termi- nology when writing a simple melody with a partner, when creating a framing project in media arts, when designing a school uniform that reflects the values and culture of their school, when using flash animation or music to enhance a website, when describing their initial reaction to a painting; design a“terminology bingo”game using key terms related to the various arts disciplines)
C1.2 demonstrate an understanding of elements, principles, and other key concepts associated with the various arts disciplines (e.g., describe examples of energy, tension, point of view, hybridization, duration, colour, balance; create a word wall of important terms, organized by discipline), and identify those terms that are common to more than one discipline
C1.3 describe similarities and differences in approaches to the creative process within various arts disciplines (e.g., with reference to inspiration in drama and visual arts, experi- mentation in dance and music, presentation in media arts and music)
C2. Contexts and Influences
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 demonstrate an understanding of common symbols and themes in past and present art works from a variety of cultures, including First Nation cultures (e.g., explore world views and values inherent in Aboriginal cultural symbols; compile a list of and describe symbols that are used in art works associated with a particular cultural identity; describe the symbols or themes used in applied art works such as logos for companies or branding of products)
Teacher prompts: “What sorts of symbols are evident in common corporate logos? Why do you think the companies have adopted these symbols?” “What are some of the most common symbols in First Nation art? What is the meaning of these symbols for First Nation artists?”
C2.2 describe, on the basis of research, themes in the work of some past and/or present artists, including Canadian artists, whose body of work incorporates more than one art form (e.g., prepare a short presentation on themes explored by artists such as Vera Frenkel, Robert Lepage, Tomson Highway, Michael Snow, Janet Cardiff)
Teacher prompt: “How many different art forms has this artist used? How has the artist’s use of different media changed over the course of his or her career? What connections can you make between the artist’s choice of media and the theme of the work?”
Integrated Arts

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