Page 87 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 87

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by applying it to study works from various arts disciplines as well as integrated art works/productions;
B2. TheFunctionoftheArtsinSociety:demonstrateanunderstandingofvariousfunctionsoftheartsin past and present societies;
B3. ValuesandIdentity:demonstrateanunderstandingofhowcreating,presenting,andanalysingart works has affected their understanding of personal, community, and cultural values and of Canadian identity;
B4. Connections Beyond the Classroom: describe the types of skills developed through creating, presenting, and analysing art works, including integrated art works/productions, and identify various opportunities to pursue artistic endeavours outside the classroom.
B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 identify and communicate their initial reaction to works from a variety of arts disciplines, using various strategies and modes of communication (e.g., a small-group or class discussion, a placemat exercise, a blog, a journal)
Teacher prompt: “When you initially encountered this art work, what were the first five words that came to mind? What questions did the work raise? What three questions would you like to ask the artist about his or her work?”
B1.2 identify and describe the elements and principles used to create integrated art works (e.g., Noh theatre, music videos, installation or performance art, ballet), and describe the methods used to combine these elements and principles into unified art works
Teacher prompt: “What disciplines did the artist draw on to create this music video? What elements are combined in the work? How are they integrated into a seamless whole?”
B1.3 identify and reflect on the qualities of their own art works and the works of others (e.g., using a journal, a blog, discussions with peers), and evaluate the effectiveness of these works
Teacher prompts: “What aspects of this art work do you think are successful? Why?” “When you reflect on your own completed art work/production, is there anything that you would do differently? Why or why not?”
B2. The Function of the Arts in Society
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 describe the role of the arts as a vehicle for both cultural expression and the individual expression of the artist, with reference to works from both the past and the present (e.g., describe how a specific work of art conveys the artist’s personal perspective; prepare a model demonstrat- ing a ceremony or ritual, and explain its cultural significance; prepare a presentation on the cultural significance of different types of clothing; listen to popular music of the 1920s and describe its connections to changing cultural/social mores
of that decade; compare indigenous dances from different parts of the world with respect to their cultural meaning)
Teacher prompts: “What does this particular dance reveal about the culture that created it?” “What pieces of public art do you encounter on a daily basis? What do they reveal about the society in which you live?”
Integrated Arts

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