Page 57 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 57

 B2.4 explain how dance can contribute to a sense of community (e.g., a dance performance can help draw attention to or raise funds for a social or environmental cause in the school or local community)
Teacher prompt: “The school is having an assembly to celebrate Earth Day. What could our dance class do to help highlight the signifi- cance of this event?”
B3. Connections Beyond the Classroom
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify knowledge, skills, and personal qualities/attitudes they have acquired or strengthened through dance studies that can be applied in other settings and to a variety of careers (e.g., personal qualities such as willing- ness to take risks, discipline, cooperativeness, empathy, willingness to take responsibility)
Teacher prompt: “Is the behaviour expected
of you in dance class the same as or different from your usual behaviour outside of class? What situations outside dance class might have behavioural expectations similar to those in the class?”
B3.2 identify and describe ways in which dance plays a role in their community (e.g., identify local dance schools and organizations and outline their similarities and differences)
Teacher prompt: “What are the main character- istics that the dance studios and organizations in our community have in common? What part(s) of the community do these dance organizations serve? Are any part(s) of the community left out?”
B3.3 develop a portfolio that records their dance- related learning in a variety of ways (e.g., in handouts, written work, and project descriptions, in either a digital or a traditional format), and use it to analyse their strengths and areas that need improvement
Teacher prompt: “What does your portfolio reveal about your areas of strength in perform- ing and understanding dance as an art form? What does it tell you about areas where you need to improve?”

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