Page 56 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 56

 Grade 9, Open
 B1. TheCriticalAnalysisProcess:usethecriticalanalysisprocesstoreflectonandevaluatetheirown and others’ dance works and activities;
B2. DanceandSociety:demonstrateanunderstandingofhowsocietiespresentandpastuseorhaveused dance, and of how creating and viewing dance can benefit individuals, groups, and communities;
B3. ConnectionsBeyondtheClassroom:demonstrateanunderstandingofthepurposeandpossibilities of continuing engagement in dance arts.
  B1. The Critical Analysis Process B2. Dance and Society
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 use the critical analysis process to identify and describe a variety of dance forms (e.g., identify and describe key characteristics found in each dance form experienced in the Grade 9 dance program)
Teacher prompt: “When watching dance on television, what do you look for to help you identify the dance form?”
B1.2 explain the difference between the content of dance and the expressive, interpretive aspects, and assess the contribution of each (e.g., assess a particular dance performance in terms of the types of movements included and how well they communicate ideas and feelings; express and support an opinion about the relative importance of content and expression in achieving a successful dance performance)
Teacher prompt: “How can technical skill and expressiveness work together to create an out- standing performance? Can you have one
without the other? Have you ever seen or performed a dance that was lacking in one of those areas? What could you do to correct the imbalance?”
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 identify and describe the characteristics
and function of a social dance within a society (e.g., baroque dance of the court of King Louis XIV of France)
Teacher prompt: “What social dances exist in society today? What social dance do you take part in, and how is that dance a reflection of the society in which you live?”
B2.2 explain how dance exploration can contribute to personal growth and self-understanding (e.g., identify feelings they experience while dancing that contribute to their sense of well-being or self-worth)
Teacher prompt: “What have you learned about yourself through dance? Could you learn those things through other activities? Why or why not?”
B2.3 demonstrate an understanding of how different types of dance reflect aspects of the culture that produced them (e.g., the sailor’s hornpipe in nineteenth-century England evolved from a dance done on the wet deck of a ship)
Teacher prompt: “What was the purpose of the sailor’s hornpipe and how did it reflect social conditions in nineteenth-century England?”

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