Page 106 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 106

 Grade 9, Open
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: use the critical analysis process when responding to, analysing, reflecting on, and interpreting music;
B2. MusicandSociety:demonstrateanunderstandingofhowtraditional,commercial,andartmusic reflect the society in which they were created and how they have affected communities or cultures;
B3. SkillsandPersonalGrowth:demonstrateanunderstandingofhowperforming,creating,and critically analysing music has affected their skills and personal development;
B4. ConnectionsBeyondtheClassroom:identifyanddescribevariousopportunitiesforcontinued engagement in music.
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 listen to selections that represent a variety
of musical styles and genres, and identify and reflect on their personal responses to them (e.g., their initial reaction to an in-class perform- ance by their peers; their favourite contemporary commercial music groups and the aspects of this music that they enjoy; their favourite parts of their band repertoire and what they like about them; the influence of specific pieces, styles, or genres
on their arrangements or performance)
Teacher prompt: “Why does this piece of music appeal to you? Has it influenced the way you approach your own compositions, arrangements, or performances? Why or why not?”
B1.2 identify and describe the use of elements and other components of music in a variety of selections, including their performance repertoire (e.g., describe melodic characteristics, rhythmic
components, signs and symbols, dynamics, and timbres in the print version of a choral selection before hearing the selection; describe how elements are used for expressive purposes in an arrangement being performed by the class, and how changes in these elements might alter the expressive qualities of the performance; describe technical aspects of
a professional performance)
Teacher prompts: “How has the composer manipulated the elements of music to create changes in the ‘feel’ of this selection?” “How would you characterize the mood of this work, based on the tempo and style markings?”
B1.3 describe the difference between technical aspects and expressive aspects of music, with particular emphasis on shaping musical phrases and choosing appropriate tempo, and assess the contribution of both aspects to the successful interpretation of musical selections (e.g., demonstrate both technical and expressive charac- teristics when interpreting music in performance; address both technical and expressive characteristics when analysing musical performances)
Teacher prompt: “What is the relationship between technical skill and artistry in the inter- pretation of music? Have you ever heard or performed a piece that was lacking in one of these areas? What effect did this have on the performance? How could the imbalance have been corrected?”
B1.4 conduct research to gather reliable informa- tion relating to specific music, musicians, and the musical opinions of others, and describe the impact this information has had on their own opinions or assessments (e.g., listen to, read about, and discuss with their peers a selection of music by a contemporary artist or group; assess

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