Page 105 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: The Arts, 2010
P. 105

 A2.3 apply the elements of music and related concepts appropriately when composing and/or arranging simple pieces of music (e.g., when writing a four-bar rhythm pattern that could be used as the basis for a composition; when writing a simple diatonic melody over a prescribed harmonic progression; when creating a simple composition using melody and rhythm in binary form)
Teacher prompt: “When you are composing,
do you approach rhythm or melody first? What aspect of the composition do you approach next? Why?”
A3. Techniques and Technologies
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 demonstrate technical skill when performing notated and/or improvised music (e.g., perform a sixteen-bar melody using proper bow or finger technique; correctly perform articulations when sight-reading a piece of music; play a wind instrument or sing with suitable breath control)
Teacher prompts: “In what ways does proper breathing support successful performance? Where are the best spots to breathe in this selection?” “What musical information do you need to consider prior to attempting to sight-read a piece?”
A3.2 apply compositional techniques when composing and/or arranging simple pieces
of music (e.g., compose a simple melody with an effective melodic shape; arrange selected melodies to reflect specific musical forms)
Teacher prompts: “What is the most important characteristic of your melody? Why?” “Why is it important for your melody to have contour?” “How might you revise your melody to create a different shape or line?” “What revisions might you make to the melodic shape or line
to make your melody more effective?”
A3.3 use current technology when practising, performing, composing, and/or arranging music (e.g., use available technology to record their performance or composition for self-assessment or to record a performance for evaluation; use notation software when composing simple melodies; perform with accompaniment software)
Teacher prompts: “What is the most effective way of recording a performance you wish to assess?” “Which functions in your music software are similar to those in other software programs, such as word processing programs?” “What effect does changing the style in your accompaniment program have on your performance?”

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