Page 75 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 75

 C2.2 describe the influence of global artistic, social, and political events or issues (e.g., global- ization, the environment, poverty, HIV/AIDS, war, political repression, refugees) on the current Canadian arts scene, including but not limited to the dance scene
Teacher prompt: “How have Canadian choreog- raphers used dance to raise public awareness
of an important social or environmental issue?”
C2.3 identify, describe, and compare how a variety of elements and conventions of dance are used in a selection of dance genres from around the world, and demonstrate their findings through performance (e.g., demonstrate the uses of the circle or explain the function of music in different dance genres; create a digital media presentation to illustrate various dance dress codes)
Teacher prompt: “What is the purpose of the group dancing of a Broadway chorus line and a traditional Russian folk dance? What similar- ities and differences can you identify between the two types of group dancing?”
C3. Responsible Practices
By the end of this course, students will:
C3.1 model responsible, constructive behaviour in interactions with others during the creation and production processes (e.g., work cooperatively to solve problems and resolve conflicts peacefully; mentor a younger dance student to help develop his or her understanding of appropriate behaviour in rehearsal and performance)
Teacher prompt: “Do you notice a change in the behaviour of your mentee? How does acting as a mentor affect your own understanding of appropriate performance behaviour?”
C3.2 demonstrate leadership skills during the cre- ation and production processes (e.g., participate in a leadership outreach experience to produce dance pieces for younger dancers to perform at
a school Arts Night or other school/community event)
Teacher prompts: “What are the attributes of an effective leader?” “What leadership opportuni- ties can you identify related to dance activities in your school and local community?”
C3.3 model safe and ethical practices in dance activities in both classroom and performance settings (e.g., learn and apply procedures for the safe and appropriate use of equipment in studios, classrooms, rehearsal and performance spaces, and alternative venues; use environmentally friendly materials and processes in dance productions; acknowledge sources and comply with laws, regulations, and customary practices for the pro- tection of choreographic, intellectual, and creative property rights)
Teacher prompts: “What steps can experienced dancers take to help raise awareness among younger students of appropriate safety prac- tices in performance environments?” “What procedures should we follow when preparing the costumes, sets, and performance venue to ensure the environmentally responsible use of materials and energy?” “How can you build on others’ experience while avoiding improper use of sources and influences?”

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