Page 152 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 152

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by using it to monitor the creative process, and by examining, interpreting, assessing, and reflecting on media art works;
B2. Identity and Values: demonstrate an understanding of how media art works reflect personal and cultural identity, and affect personal, cultural, and community values and their awareness of those values;
B3. Connections Beyond the Classroom: demonstrate an understanding of the types of knowledge and skills developed in media arts and how they can be used outside the media arts classroom.
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 use the critical analysis process to examine, interpret, and reflect on media art works created by peers (e.g., view media art works at various stages of production and record their initial reac- tions to them, examine the technical aspects of the works, interpret their message or purpose, and reflect on the effectiveness of the works in communicating this message or achieving this purpose)
Teacher prompt: “How could changes to the technical or aesthetic aspects of this work heighten its impact on the consumer?”
B1.2 use the critical analysis process to examine, interpret, and assess media art works created by recognized media artists and intended for or used in workplace applications (e.g., examine a media art work used in theatre, film, promotion, or music industry applications; document their initial reaction to the art work and their analysis of
its elements and principles; determine the purpose or intent of the media art work in the workplace context; analyse the work holistically, technically, and aesthetically to assess how well it meets the requirements of the workplace/client)
Teacher prompt: “How well does this media art work meet the criteria specified by the client or purchaser? What features of the work contribute
to its success or lack of success in meeting that objective?”
B1.3 demonstrate an understanding of how each stage of the critical analysis process contributes to their comprehension of media art works, including works intended for commercial applications (e.g., reflect on how their interpreta- tion and assessment of a work has changed over the course of the critical analysis process, and use a presentation, a journal, an online discussion, an annotated sketchbook, or a weblog to communicate their reflections)
Teacher prompts: “How does your increased understanding of the artist’s approach change the way you perceive the art work?” “What aspects of this media art work make it appro- priate for a commercial application?”
B1.4 use the appropriate components of the criti- cal analysis process to guide the individual and/or collaborative use of the creative process when creating and presenting a media art work for a particular client or consumer and to draw out and interpret responses to the work (e.g., use the critical analysis process to assess planning, production, and presentation decisions; involve the client or consumer in the critical analysis process throughout the creative process to ensure that the end product achieves its purpose)

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