Page 137 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 137

  B2. IdentityandValues
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 identify and explain ways in which media art works reflect artists’ personal identities (e.g., artists’ values, beliefs, sexual orientation, learning challenges, socio-economic status)
Teacher prompt: “How do your artistic choices with respect to images, sounds, or topics reflect your identity? How can you use this under- standing to analyse a media art work for clues as to the artist’s personal identity?”
B2.2 explain ways in which media art works reflect cultural identity (e.g., works in the ImagiNATIVE Film and Media Arts Festival; the work of Jenny Fraser)
Teacher prompt: “In what ways does a work such as Nam June Paik’s TV Buddha reflect the artist’s cultural identify?”
B2.3 identify and explain ways in which media art works can influence community or societal values (e.g., explore a range of advertisements on television, in public spaces, and in print media, and explain how they influence the immediate community and society at large; explore the effects of community-based broadcasting on the maintaining of cultural identity in Aboriginal communities)
Teacher prompt: “What methods do advertise- ments for advocacy groups such as Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) use to try to change people’s attitudes and practices?”
B2.4 explain, using a variety of formats (e.g., a digital collage with voice-over, an audio recording, a reflection journal), how creating and present- ing media art works has affected their personal values and their understanding of their culture and community (e.g., how creating a documen- tary that expressed their impressions of their school culture has increased their understanding of the diversity of the student population)
Teacher prompt: “How did creating your inter- active collage on climate change affect your own approach to the environment and your under- standing of the values of your community?”
B2.5 explain how the process of critically analysing media art works has affected their understanding of the values of other cultures
and communities (e.g., how analysing the approach and message of, and tools used in, a work by a media artist from outside their own community/culture has expanded their under- standing of another culture)
Teacher prompt: “In what ways has your analy- sis of Zacharias Kunuk’s film Atanarjuat / The Fast Runner informed your understanding of the traditional values of Inuit culture?”
B3. Connections Beyond the Classroom
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 identify and describe, on the basis of research, areas for continued study in media arts and related fields, and describe their requirements (e.g., requirements for and content of media arts and contributing arts courses; oppor- tunities for experiential learning)
B3.2 identify skills associated with media arts (e.g., planning and organizational skills; skills in using web-creation software or 2D and 3D anima- tion software; skills related to digital imaging, dig- ital sound recording, video editing), and explain how these skills can be applied in a range of careers related to media arts (e.g., e-learning designer, graphic artist, storyboard artist)
Teacher prompt: “What skills do you need to become a successful web designer or sound engineer? Explain why these skills are impor- tant in this career.”
B3.3 identify and describe skills and understand- ings acquired through the creative and critical analysis processes in the media arts (e.g., organi- zational, planning, decision-making, interpersonal, and interpretation skills; more sophisticated understanding of social and environmental issues and anti-discriminatory practices), and explain how they can be applied in everyday life (e.g., to mediate a conflict; to analyse a music video or an advertisement and to assess its effect on their behaviour or purchasing decisions)
Teacher prompts: “How can you use your organizational skills to contribute to your community?” “What skills have you developed through your participation in collaborative processes in this course? How can you apply those skills in your relationships with your family or friends?”
Media Arts

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