Page 136 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: The Arts, 2010
P. 136

 Grade 11, Open
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process: demonstrate an understanding of the critical analysis process by examining, interpreting, assessing, and reflecting on media art works;
B2. Identity and Values: demonstrate an understanding of how media art works reflect personal and cultural identity, and affect personal, cultural, and community values and their awareness of those values;
B3. Connections Beyond the Classroom: demonstrate an understanding of the types of knowledge and skills developed in media arts and how they can be used outside the media arts classroom.
 B1. The Critical Analysis Process
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 identify and explain their initial responses to media art works (e.g., Sara Diamond’s web-based work CodeZebra), using various strategies and modes of communication (e.g., a small-group
or class discussion, a think-pair-share or jigsaw strategy, a blog, a journal, a sketchbook)
Teacher prompt: “How would you describe your first response to this art work? In what ways has this response been influenced by your personal experiences?”
B1.2 identify, on the basis of investigation, the aesthetic and technical features of a contempo- rary media art work, and explain how and why the artist has combined these features in creating his or her work (e.g., identify the tools, techniques, technologies, and materials used by
an artist, and explain how they have been used to create the art work; identify the individual elements, principles, and other aesthetic features of the art
work, and explain, using jot notes, a digital recorder, comparison charts, a graphic organizer, or a web application, how and why the artist uses these features; explore the technical and aesthetic features of James Turrell’s work Light Reign)
Teacher prompts: “How has the artist used and manipulated chat rooms, discussion boards, and video streaming in this art work?” “What
musical elements has the artist used to create sounds? What effect does the use of sound have on the audience?”
B1.3 use the critical analysis process to evaluate the effectiveness of media art works (e.g., deter- mine the intended effect of the work and assess whether that intent has been realized), and explain how their evaluation has evolved throughout the critical analysis process
Teacher prompts: “How effectively has the artist communicated a theme or position in this media art work? Is the artist successful in creating a desired effect? In generating debate?” “In what ways has your evaluation of this artist’s work changed as you have analysed
it more thoroughly?”
B1.4 explain how applying the critical analysis process affects their use of the creative process when they are creating media art works (e.g., how the critical analysis process has informed their decision to use a particular technique, medium, element, or principle) and how it contributes to their understanding of the creative process in the work of other artists
Teacher prompts: “How did you use the critical analysis process to help you make artistic choices at different stages of the creative process?” “How can you use critical analysis to identify key features of the creative process in other media artists’ work?”

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