Page 35 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
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  should contain an indication of how they differ from the expectations as they appear in the ministry’s curriculum policy documents. For example:
• “[The student] will demonstrate achievement of all of the expectations for Grade 8 history as given in the curriculum document, except for the fol- lowing, which have been modified:
– identify the colonies that joined Confederation [dates of entry not required];
– describe orally, using a series of maps, the changes in Canada’s bound- aries from 1867 to 1949 [rather than ‘analyse, synthesize, and evaluate historical information’].
(History, Grade 8 – Modified expectations)”
By the end of the IEP development phase (i.e., the first 30 school days follow- ing the date of placement), the student’s learning expectations for the first reporting period, at a minimum, must be recorded in the IEP. Subsequent learning expectations to be assessed and evaluated must be added at the beginning of each reporting period.
For most secondary school courses, modified expectations will be based on the regular curriculum expectations for the course but will reflect changes to the number and/or complexity of the expectations.
Current level of achievement
For each course with modified expectations, the student’s current level of achievement is indicated in the IEP by his or her mark in the prerequisite course. For clarity, the name of the prerequisite course and the course type should be provided along with the student’s grade. If the modifications in that course involved changes to the number and/or complexity of the regular course curriculum expectations, the notation “MOD”, for “modified expecta- tions”, should be added after the course information.
The following example shows how current levels of achievement would be recorded for a student enrolled in Grade 11 courses in which modified expectations are required. (Note: For a student’s first course in a subject area, such as Introduction to Business, Grade 9, or for a course that has no prerequisite, “not applicable” [N/A] should be entered in the IEP for current level of achievement.)
 Course: Mathematics of Personal Finance, Grade 11, College Preparation
Current Level of Achievement:
Prerequisite Course: Foundations of Mathematics, Grade 10, Applied (MOD) Mark: 64%
   Phase 3: Develop the IEP as It Relates to the Student’s Special Education Program and Services 33

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