Page 10 - The Individual Education Plan (IEP) - A Resource Guide, 2004
P. 10

   Figure 1: Sample Checklist
   Important Information to Be Included in an IEP
✓ The strengths and needs that relate to the student’s learning. If the student has been formally identified as exceptional, the IEP should include the strengths and needs identified in the statement of decision received from the IPRC.
✓ Relevant assessment data that support the identification of an exceptionality or the reasons that give rise to the need for special education programs and services
✓ Any specialized health support services needed to enable the student to attend school
✓ A list of all subjects/courses in which the student requires modified expectations and/or accommodations, and all alternative programs
✓ A list of the accommodations the student requires to help him or her learn and demonstrate learning
✓ The student’s current level of achievement in each modified subject or course and/or alternative program area
✓ Annual program goals and learning expectations for each reporting period in each subject or course in which modified expectations are required and/or in each alternative program area
✓ The assessment methods that will be used to assess the student’s achievement of the modified or alternative expectations
✓ A clear indication of the way in which student progress will be reported to par- ents (i.e., on the Provincial Report Card and/or in an alternative report) and the dates on which reports will be issued
✓ Documentation of consultations with parents and the student (if the student is 16 or older) during the development of the IEP and any subsequent reviews, and a record of the review and updating of learning expectations by school staff
✓ A transition plan (if required, according to Regulation 181/98)
The Individual Education Plan (IEP): A Resource Guide

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