Page 16 - Inquiring into the Ethical Dimensions of Professional Practice
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Vignette 9: The Ethical Responsibilities Associated with Mental Health Issues
 Ezhil was a pre-service teacher in a B.Ed. program. I was one of her cohort professors. In the first two months of her coursework, she proved herself to be a conscientious teacher candidate who showed a lot of promise; bright, attentive and doing excellent work in my classes, as well as the other classes within our cohort model.
Once the first school-based practicum ended and she returned to the faculty, Ezhil’s demeanor and work habits changed subtly in my class. She went to the Dean of the faculty and explained that several classmates, a professor and several prominent celebrities were conspiring against her, and that it was not safe for her to be in the school. Ezhil also told me of her situation in confidence. I was then asked by the Dean’s staff to take detailed notes on Ezhil’s performance. As the days and weeks progressed, Ezhil experienced increasingly wild perceptions of the world around her, and her work submitted to me was strange and not of the quality that she’d initially produced. I was instructed by the Dean’s staff to keep giving Ezhil chances to re-do her work.
The time came for the second round of practicum placements in the Spring. I spoke confidentially to the director of practicum and explained my concerns about putting Ezhil into a school with children, given her increasingly peculiar behavior. However, I was told I had to find her a placement. Was I going to stand by and allow the safety of children to be put at risk, or was I going to risk my own position by taking my concerns to a higher level? What were my ethical responsibilities and the institution’s ethical responsibilities associated with the mental health of teacher candidates?
 Ethical Inquiry Cycle
Ethical Inquiry Dialogic Process
After reading the vignette, educators are invited to engage in critical reflection and dialogue related to the following ethical inquiry process:
1. Experience: Identify the ethical challenge(s), issue(s) or dimensions inherent within this vignette.
2. Reflection: Critically reflect on the underlying values or assumptions that are influencing the professional practices in this vignette.
3. Critical Analysis: Critically analyze this vignette through the ethics of Care, Respect, Trust and Integrity.
4. New Perspectives and Insights: Identify new insights or understandings have been gained from reading this vignette?
Ethical Knowledge and Action
Generate suggestions for enhancing the ethical awareness, sensitivity and ethical efficacy of the educators in this vignette?
 14 Ontario College of Teachers

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