Page 10 - Inquiring into the Ethical Dimensions of Professional Practice
P. 10

Vignette 3: The Call of Duty
 In teaching a lesson on Nutritional Healthy Choices to students with diverse needs, it came to my attention that one of the boys who was living on his own had not eaten for two weeks. This information invited me to think more deeply about my role as an educator. What were my responsibilities as a teacher given that I had this information about the needs of the student? How far do my responsibilities and commitment as an educator take me in order to support the student? What actions would be perceived to be beyond the call of duty? Why was I even thinking of these questions of duty instead of immediately acting to help this student?
 Ethical Inquiry Cycle
Ethical Inquiry Dialogic Process
After reading the vignette, educators are invited to engage in critical reflection and dialogue related to the following ethical inquiry process:
1. Experience: Identify the ethical challenge(s), issue(s) or dimensions inherent within this vignette.
2. Reflection: Critically reflect on the underlying values or assumptions that are influencing the professional practices in this vignette.
3. Critical Analysis: Critically analyze this vignette through the ethics of Care, Respect, Trust and Integrity.
4. New Perspectives and Insights: Identify new insights or understandings have been gained from reading this vignette?
Ethical Knowledge and Action
Generate suggestions for enhancing the ethical awareness, sensitivity and ethical efficacy of the educators in this vignette?
 8 Ontario College of Teachers

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