Page 7 - Professional Advisory on Anti-Black Racism
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competency in equity-related principles, including anti-Black racism, is important for professionals, including educators.
The Ontario College of Teachers believes in
a collaborative approach to supporting the professional development of its members, which includes a commitment to deepening understanding and awareness of anti-Black racism and the importance of taking action against it. Considering the policy directives that are being issued by governments at all levels, OCTs need to be cognizant of policies, initiatives and best practices that inform their practice. It is also important to make
a commitment to changing attitudes and behaviours in ways that eliminate anti-Black racism from the learning environment.
The role of Ontario Certified Teachers
Professional standards
The College’s Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession provide the foundation for professional conduct. The Standards of Practice explicitly identify ethical knowledge as a core dimension of professional knowledge for educators. The ethical knowledge of individual practitioners and the collective ethical knowledge of
the profession must continue to evolve to help ensure that ethical school cultures, pedagogies, policies and practices permeate Ontario’s educational environment to help all students succeed.
The ethical standards explicitly address the ethical responsibilities and commitments
of educators. The four ethical standards of care, respect, trust and integrity are inter- related principles that guide educators’ indi- vidual and collective action, consciousness
and knowledge. Special attention needs
to be taken to ensure that bias does not adversely impact the way the ethical standards are applied to some students, particularly those who identify as Black. The standard of respect specifies that members of the teaching profession must honour human dignity, emotional wellness and cognitive development. In their professional practice, they model respect for spiritual and cultural values, social justice, confidentiality, freedom, democracy and the environment.
These ethical responsibilities are critically important in efforts to combat anti-Black racism. A welcoming learning environment for Black students requires an under- standing of the importance of dismantling oppressive, colonial attitudes and practices. Educators should strive to be competent in anti-racist practices to effectively address anti-Black racism. Honouring human dignity and respecting social justice demands an understanding of anti-racism.
Professional responsibilities
OCTs play an important role in developing
a learning environment that helps instill a sense of confidence, support and belonging for all students. Data from the Towards Race Equity in Education report shows that Black students are more likely to drop out of school than other students.12 Studies show that this is due in part to the low expecta- tions set by teachers, guidance counsellors and administrators.
Stereotyping and prejudice are often directed at Black students, particularly male youth, who consider staying in school more harmful to their sense of worth than leaving. “It was not that students did not understand the value of education or that parents did

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