Page 11 - Professional Advisory on Anti-Black Racism
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all students. They must be seen to be impartial and tolerant.20 They must never create or contribute to a poisoned educa- tional environment characterized by a lack of equality or intolerance.21 OCTs can be found guilty of professional misconduct if they play a role in creating a poisoned educa- tional environment where students are likely to feel isolated and/or suffer a loss of self- esteem on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination.22 Furthermore, misconduct can be established where, in the circum- stances, it can be reasonably asserted that the member’s (off-duty) conduct poisoned the educational environment.23
It is important to note that intent may play a role in determining the severity of the misconduct and how it resonates with the adversely affected minority group. The perspectives and experiences of others matter. OCTs should act with the awareness that race, nationality, cultural diversity, differing faith or sexual orientation, disabilities and socioeconomic factors
can affect experiences. What an educator potentially considers well-intentioned may not be experienced the same way by a student, parent, colleague or community member from Black communities. It is
for this reason that OCTs should develop competency in addressing anti-Black racism and take advantage of the resources that are available to help enhance their practice. Demonstrations of impartiality and tolerance will not suffice when fostering learning environments that are inclusive and anti-oppressive. OCTs and those with power and influence must also demonstrate
empathy, respect and understanding of the lived experience of students, particularly those who identify as Black. It should be noted that feelings of isolation and loss of self-esteem are but a few of the adverse impacts of anti-Black racism, which is why it is important to reinforce the serious nature of anti-Black racism and the consequences of failing to address it.
 20 Ross v. New Brunswick School District No. 15, [1996] 1 S.C.R. 825 at para. 111 [Ross].
21 Ibid at para. 49.
22 Ibid at paras. 40 and 82.
23 Ibid at paras. 40, 41, 46, 82, 101, and 111.

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