Page 8 - Professsional Advisory: Professional Misconduct of a Sexual Nature
P. 8

• commenting on physical appearance19
• making comments that suggest a future
romantic relationship20
• inviting individual students to your home21
• dating students
• sharing sexually explicit texts or
images, including those of children
• making physical contact of a sexual
nature or contact that might be perceived as sexual or intimate (for example, tickling, rough housing, kissing, hugging and/or massaging).
Sexual innuendoes, comments, touching or sexual relations with students are prohibited and subject to professional discipline and criminal consequences. Know your employer’s policies, protocols and expectations. When in doubt, consult your direct supervisor.
OCTs are professionals who understand, value and protect the trust that exists with students and who always maintain appro- priate professional boundaries.
Therapy and Counselling
As of January 1, 2020, the College will provide funding for therapy and counselling for student victims of sexual abuse or a prohibited act involving child pornography.
 Ask yourself:
1. Is your conduct in the best interests of the student and connected to your professional duties?
2. Are your activities known to and/ or approved by supervisors and/or parents?
3. Are you using board/employer approved communication platforms and following approved policies?
4. Are you working with students in areas that can be observed by others (that is, not behind closed doors)? Is a third party present or aware of the meeting?
5. Do I know what my employer’s policy is with respect to getting help for vulnerable students and am I mindful of the need to respect professional boundaries?
6. Are you transporting students in emergency circumstances only?
7. Would your actions contribute to their level of discomfort or pose a risk to the personal integrity or security ofa student?
8. Can your actions reasonably be regarded as conduct that maintains your profes- sional relationship with your students?
 19 In another case, a member told a student she was “going to do fine [on an exam], just like you look, fine”, used a rating scale to describe her appearance and said she looked “beautiful”
20 In one instance, a member told a student, “I can’t wait to get alone with you” and “oh the things I would do to you”. In another case, the member suggested to the student that they marry, build a house and move to a country with a lower legal marriage age
21 For example, a member invited students to his home for popsicles and to carve pumpkins

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