Page 8 - Professional Advisory Safety in Learning Environments: Additional Qualifications — Extending Professional Knowledge
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Professional Advisory
skills and values inherent in the profession. Ongoing professional learning, one of
the five standards, is integral to effective practice and to student learning.
The College has developed the Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession to place ongoing professional learning in a career-long context. This framework identifies accredited initial and ongoing courses and programs designed to reflect the ethical standards and standards of practice. It also describes the many other ways in which members engage in professional learning to improve their practice and enhance student learning.
The legislative context
The College’s mandate, set out in the Ontario College of Teachers Act, emphasizes the importance of supporting and promoting teacher education. The College’s mandate is to:
• develop and maintain qualifications for College membership
• provide for the ongoing education of members of the College
• accredit professional teacher education and ongoing education programs for teachers
• establish and enforce professional standards and ethical standards applicable to members of the College.
Ontario College of Teachers Act
Two regulations under the Act work together to govern teaching qualifications.
The Teachers’ Qualifications Regulation addresses initial and ongoing teachers’ qualifications.
The Accreditation Regulation sets the parameters of the College’s responsibility to accredit teacher education programs in Ontario.
Education Act
Several regulations under the Education Act govern qualifications for teaching and supervisory roles and highlight the benefits of additional qualifications:
Regulation 298, Operations of
Schools – qualifications for principals, vice-principals and teachers
Regulation 296, Ontario Schools for the Blind and the Deaf – qualifications for teachers of students who are deaf, blind or deaf-blind
Regulation 309, Supervisory Officers – qualifications for supervisory officers
Regulation 98/02, Teacher Learning Plans – the importance of defining professional growth objectives
Regulation 99/02, Teacher Performance Appraisal – the importance of adapting and refining teaching practice
through continuous learning
Education-related legislation and regulations are available at

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