Page 49 - Learning for All – A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
P. 49

Planning Assessment and Instruction • 47
3. Devising Instructional Strategies, Monitoring Progress, and Determining Next Steps
A review of all the information gathered serves as the basis for a “gap analysis” to determine where the student’s achievement is relative to the expectations of the curriculum for a par- ticular grade or course. Instruction and interventions are designed accordingly, to target directly the critical skills that the student needs and to provide any additional supports and/or challenges that are appropriate for the student. The student’s response to the instructional strategies and interventions is monitored. The information gleaned about the student’s progress and growth is used to determine whether there is a need for increasingly intensive and/or specialized interventions, using the tiered approach.
There may be times when consultation with the in-school team(s) is necessary. The team may suggest other strategies or accommodations or may recommend that the student receive further educational and/or professional assessments. Where appropriate, the team may also recommend that an IEP be developed for the student to address special education needs.
 Sample Student Profiles
A sample individual student profile for an elementary school student – Mark – is presented on page 49. Mark, who was described on page 42, is a member of the Kindergarten class represented in the sample elementary class profile. A sample profile for a secondary school student – Angela – is shown on page 50. Angela, also described on page 42, is a member of the class represented in the sample secondary class profile.
A blank sample template for a student profile is provided in Appendix B.
Individual learning profile templates focusing on oral communication, reading, writing, and mathematics are provided in Education for All, K–6 (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2005, pp. 48–51).

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