Page 38 - Learning for All – A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
P. 38

36 • Learning for All
 Local School Board Approaches to Developing Class Profiles
Several school boards had existing student and class profile frameworks that they worked to align and refine so that teachers in all of their schools would have access to the student data they needed. In some regions, several boards collaborated by forming committees to create common profile instruments and interest inventories. In one board, a simplified, one-page version of a combined student/class profile template was developed, divided into sections under the headings Learning Preferences, Background Information (from the Ontario Student Record (OSR) and other sources), Assessment for Learning (Current Level of Achievement), Teaching Strategies, Assessment Methods, IEP, and Evidence of Growth (a category used in developing report card comments).
 The Process of Developing a Class Profile
The process of developing a class profile is described below and illustrated in Figure 7 on page 39.
1. Gathering information about students.
A class profile is developed by gathering information about each student from the following sources:
• Ontario Student Record (OSR)
• any transition plans the student may have
• Individual Education Plan (IEP) if the student has one
• consultations with current and previous teachers
• consultations with parents, and/or parent – student questionnaires
• consultations with students through surveys (e.g., interest inventories,
attitudinal surveys) and conferences or interviews
• classroom observation (e.g., anecdotal notes)
• initial assessments (e.g., pretests)
• class profiles from earlier grades
• Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) data
In the course of gathering information from these sources, it may become evident that there is a need for a more intensive focus on particular students. For these students, an individual student profile may need to be developed, perhaps as a collaborative effort by a team of educators that includes the classroom teacher, the special education teacher, and/or other members of an in-school team.

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