Page 34 - Learning for All – A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
P. 34

32 • Learning for All
 A checklist to guide the use of assessment for learning in the classroom
❏❏ Break and/or combine curriculum expectations to create appropriate learning goals.
❏❏ Collaborate with students to construct learning goals and success criteria.
❏❏ Apply assessment strategies that are closely tied to the learning goals
of each lesson and that can accurately reflect student progress and
❏❏ Provide students with timely descriptive feedback, modelling the thinking
processes that will help them become more independent in assessing their
own progress.
❏❏ Monitor students’ progress, gather evidence in a variety of forms, illustrate
students’ learning and growth through ongoing documentation, and help students understand their personal learning process through dialogue, reflection, and analysis.
❏❏ Adjust instruction – and, if appropriate, learning goals – on the basis of assessment data in the context of a cyclical, integrated process of assess- ment and responsive, precise, personalized instruction.
❏❏ Engage students as partners in the learning process by encouraging them to take responsibility for their learning; to celebrate and take pride in their achievements; to communicate with their peers, teachers, and parents about their learning; and, in general, to develop their sense of efficacy with respect to improving their achievement.
(Adapted from Stiggins, Arter, Chappuis, & Chappuis, 2005)

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