Page 3 - Learning for All – A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
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Preface 3 Background 3 Alignment with Ministry Policies and Initiatives 5
1. Introduction 7 The Vision and Purpose of Learning for All, K–12 7 The Organization of the Guide 9
2. Instructional Approaches 11 Understanding Achievement Gaps 11 Three Effective Approaches 12 Universal Design for Learning 13 Differentiated Instruction 17 How Common Classroom Strategies Support Principles
of UDL and Differentiated Instruction 22 The Tiered Approach 24
3. Assessment for Learning 27 Types of Assessment 27 The Benefits of Assessment for Learning 28 Components of Assessment for Learning 28
4. Planning Assessment
and Instruction 33 Knowing Your Students 33 Developing a Class Profile 34 Developing a Student Profile 42 Planning for Student Transitions 51
5. Learning for All through Professional Learning 53 The Three Big Ideas Guiding PLCs 54 Conclusion 58
Appendix A: Class Profile Template 60
Appendix B: Student Profile Template 61
Appendix C: Questions to Guide System and School Implementation
of an Integrated Process of Assessment and Instruction 62
Glossary References
64 67

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