Page 28 - Learning for All – A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
P. 28

26 • Learning for All
 Guiding questions
• On the basis of early assessment data, which of my students require more time and/or support in specific areas of learning?
• What would be the most effective interventions and types of support for these students?
• What tracking tools could I use to monitor these students’ progress? Do the assessment data give me an idea of the kinds of adjustments I could make in the type, intensity, and duration of support and interventions?
• When assessment indicates that further support is required, what specific information will the in-school team need to help decide on the most appropriate further interventions?
• What are the accessible resources outside the classroom that can be employed to provide support at Tier 3?
Checklist to guide classroom practice
❏❏ Use strategies that are guided by the principles of UDL and DI to support the learning of all students.
❏❏ Use ongoing monitoring of learning for all students to inform instruction.
❏❏ Monitor student work closely at Tier 1 and rely on observation and
assessment data to provide appropriate prevention and intervention
❏❏ Devise timely and appropriate interventions of increasing intensity to
provide the needed support at Tiers 2 and 3, and continue to monitor
students’ progress.
❏❏ Where appropriate, problem solve collaboratively, using a team
❏❏ Where appropriate, access available resources outside the classroom.

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