Page 18 - Learning for All – A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
P. 18

16 • Learning for All
 UDL: Guiding Questions and Checklist
To check:
• overall design of programs, use of space, and presentation of information;
• equity and accessibility for all students;
• flexibility and inclusiveness;
• simplicity and safety.
Guiding questions
• How do I provide for multiple means of representation, to accommodate students’ different strengths in perception, language, and comprehension (e.g., providing alternatives for auditory and visual information; clarifying vocabulary and symbols; using multiple media; highlighting patterns and big ideas and guiding information processing)?
• How do I provide for multiple means for action and expression, to accommodate different physical, communication, and executive-function strengths (e.g., improving access to tools or assistive devices; varying ways in which students can respond; supporting students in goal setting, planning, and time management)?
• How do I provide for multiple means for engagement, to accommodate different interests, attention spans, and strengths in self-regulation (e.g., allowing for individual choice, increasing relevance and authenticity, minimizing distractions, providing graduated levels of challenge, fostering collaboration)? 7
A checklist to guide classroom practice
❏❏ Use the class profile (see pages 34–42) and plan from the outset to provide the types of learning materials, resources, and technologies that capitalize on the strengths and address the needs of all students.
❏❏ Collaborate with students to construct learning goals.
❏❏ Check to ensure that learning goals are clearly understood by students.
❏❏ Ensure that learning goals are achievable; that instructional and learning
strategies are flexible and varied, offering multiple entry points; and that
opportunities are provided to extend learning for all students.
❏❏ Document and analyse evidence of student learning. Engage in professional
inquiry that focuses on the process of students’ learning. Provide ongoing
assessment, and adjust instruction in response to assessment results.
❏❏ Use a variety of teaching and learning materials that represent all modalities (i.e., that make use of all the senses, that employ different media, and so on).
❏❏ Use multiple means of presentation, at various levels of difficulty, as appropriate for the students in the class (e.g., present information using visual, auditory, and kinesthetic formats during instruction). Make varied use of space.
❏❏ Ensure access to various types of information and communication technology tools to facilitate learning.
❏❏ Ensure adequate space and a minimum of distractions, so that students can concentrate on instructional elements.
❏❏ Ensure that the classroom is a caring and safe learning environment.
  7. Adapted from UDL Guidelines – Educator Checklist Version 2 and Universal Design For Learning Guidelines Version 2.0 (Center for Applied Special Technology, 2011).

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