Page 11 - Learning for All – A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013
P. 11

Figure 1. The School Effectiveness Framework
Introduction • 9
  Source: Ontario Ministry of Education, School Effectiveness Framework: A Support for School Improvement and Student Success, 2013c, p. 2.
The Organization of the Guide
Learning for All, K–12 describes a process for identifying and tracking the strengths and needs of individual students, through ongoing assessment for learning and with the aid of tools such as individual student and class profiles, and identifies a range of instructional approaches and classroom strategies that can be applied to provide effective personalized and precise assessment and instruction for all students. The guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 2 provides an overview of the various instructional approaches that enable educators to focus effectively on individual students’ strengths and needs – such as Universal Design for Learning, differentiated instruction, and the tiered approach to prevention and interven- tion. Chapter 3 describes assessment for learning, and Chapter 4 outlines approaches and tools that can help educators “link ‘assessment for learning’ to evidence-based instruction in their classrooms on a daily basis” (Fullan et al., 2006). The chapter outlines important planning tools, in the form of the class profile and the individual student profile, to help educators plan daily assessment and instruction that are “good for all, and necessary for some”. (Profile templates are provided in Appendices A and B.) The integrated process of assessment and instruction described here takes as its premise that teachers need to know their students.

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