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Professional Inquiry
Professional inquiry empowers educators to become critically aware of the assumptions and beliefs that inform their decisions and actions. The inquiry process also assists educators in recognizing the importance of engaging in thoughtful reflection and dialogue prior to embarking on actions and making judgments. The professional judgments and moral actions of educators are greatly enhanced through the adoption of a reflective ethical stance.
The ethical standard of Integrity highlights the importance of this stance, “continual reflection assists members in exercising integrity in their professional commitments and responsibilities” (Ontario College of Teachers, 2006, pg.9).
Exploring Ethical Professional Relationships: A Self-Reflective Resource, is intended to support educators in fostering and sustaining a reflective ethical stance with respect to their professional relationships and contributes to the creation of ethical spaces and cultures within their professional practice.
The ethical standard of Trust identifies the importance of these professional relationships. “Members’ professional relationships with students, colleagues, parents, guardians and the public are based on trust” (Ontario College of Teachers, 2006, pg.9). The development and maintenance of trust is a central tenet of ethical professional practice for all members of the teaching profession.
The resource, Exploring Ethical Professional Relationships: A Self-Reflective Resource, is designed to invite educators to explore their professional relationships and practice through each of the ethical standards, Care, Trust, Respect and Integrity. This exploration supports educators in creating and sustaining positive ethical spaces and cultures. Educators’ professional relationships with students, colleagues, families and other professionals become the focus of professional reflection and exploration within this resource.
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