Page 13 - Exploring Ethical Professional Relationships
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Ethical Resources
The following resources can be used to support educators’ professional relationships within the context of their practice.
Allard, C.C., Goldblatt, P.F., Kemball, J.I., Kendrick, S.A., Millen, K.J., & Smith, D. (2007). Becoming a reflective community of practice. Reflective Practice 8(3), pp. 299-314.
Cherubini, L., Kitchen, J., Goldblatt, P., & Smith, D. (2011). Broadening landscapes and affirming professional capacity: A metacognitive approach to teacher induction. The Professional Educator, 35(1), 15 p.
Cherubini, L., Smith, D., Goldblatt, P.F., Engemann, J., & Kitchen, J. (2008).
Learning from experience: Supporting beginning and mentor teachers.
Toronto, ON: Ontario College of Teachers.
Ciuffetelli Parker, D., Smith, D., & Goldblatt, P. (2009). Teacher education partnerships: Integration of case studies within an initial teacher education program. Brock Education, 18(2), pp. 96-113
Goldblatt, P.F., & Smith, D. (2004). Illuminating and facilitating professional knowledge through casework. European Journal of Teacher Education 27(3), pp. 334-354.
Goldblatt, P.F., & Smith, D. (2005). (Eds.). Cases for teacher development: Preparing for the classroom. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Killoran, I., Zaretsky, H., Jordan, A., Smith, D., Allard, C & Moloney, J. (2013). Supporting Teachers to Work with Children with Exceptionalities. Canadian Journal of Education (36) 1, 240-270.
Ontario College of Teachers. (2003). Standards in practice: Fostering professional inquiry. [Resource kit 1]. Toronto, ON: Author.
Ontario College of Teachers. (2006). Foundations of professional practice. Toronto, ON: Author.
Ontario College of Teachers. (2008). Living the standards. [Resource kit 2]. Toronto, ON: Author.
Ontario College of Teachers. (2010a). A self-reflective professional learning tool. Toronto, ON: Author.
Ontario College of Teachers. (2010b). Voices of wisdom [DVD]. Toronto, ON: Author.
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