Page 44 - Creating Pathways to Success
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King, A.J.C.; Warren, W.K.; King, M.A.; Brook, J.E.; & Kocher, P.R. (2009). Who doesn’t go to postsecondary education? Final report of findings for the Colleges Ontario Collaborative Research Project. Kingston, ON: Social Program Evaluation Group, Faculty of Education, Queen’s University.
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Ontario. Ministry of Education. (2013a). Dual credit programs: Policy and program requirements. Toronto: Author. Available at studentsuccess/dual.html
Ontario. Ministry of Education. (2013b, February 1). Policy/program memorandum no. 156, Supporting transitions for students with special education needs. Toronto: Author. Available at
Ontario. Ministry of Education. (2013c). School effectiveness framework, K–12: A support for school improvement and student success. Toronto: Author. Available at
Ontario. Ministry of Education. (2011a). Learning for all: A guide to effective assessment and instruction for all students, Kindergarten to Grade 12; draft version. Toronto: Author. Available at speced/LearningforAll2011.pdf
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