Page 31 - Creating Pathways to Success
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Providing learning opportunities in Grades 9 to 12
In Grades 9 to 12, curriculum expectations in many disciplines focus directly on education and career/life planning. In addition, there are opportunities within the secondary school curriculum for students to focus on self-awareness and on decision making and goal setting. In a number of disciplines (e.g., health and physical education, the arts, English) students develop personal and interpersonal skills and metacognitive skills. Students also have opportunities to make connections across various subjects and disciplines and to relate their learning to their lives beyond school. Such learning helps make their school experience more relevant for students, increases their engagement with school, and so promotes higher levels of achievement and prepares students for success in their initial postsecondary destinations.
5.1.2 Guidance and Career Education Courses
All of the courses in the guidance and career education curriculum9 policy docu- ment support students in acquiring knowledge and skills related to education and career/life planning. Topics covered are reflected in the strand titles of the various courses, as follows:
• learning skills (GLS1O/GLE1O, GLS4O/GLE4O)
• essential skills for working and learning (GLD2O, GLN4O)
• personal knowledge and management skills (GLS1O/GLE1O, GWL3O,
• interpersonal knowledge and skills (GLS1O/GLE1O, GWL3O, GPP3O)
• exploration of opportunities (all courses)
• personal management (GLC2O, GLD2O, GLN4O, GLS4O/GLE4O)
• preparation for transitions and change (GLC2O, GLD2O, GWL3O, GLN4O,
The compulsory half-credit Career Studies course in Grade 10 is a pivotal course for all students. In this course students reflect on and further develop their IPP by consolidating what they have learned in the four areas of learning – developing self-knowledge, exploring a range of education and career/life opportunities, setting initial postsecondary goals, and developing a plan for achieving those goals.
Students may choose to count a course from the guidance and career education curriculum as an additional Group 1 compulsory credit towards their OSSD.
9. The courses and course codes are as follows: Learning Strategies 1: Skills for Success in Secondary School (GLS1O/GLE1O/GLE2O); Discovering the Workplace (GLD2O); Career Studies (compulsory) (GLC2O); Designing Your Future (GWL3O); Leadership and Peer Support (GPP3O); Advanced Learning Strategies: Skills for Success After Secondary School (GLE3O); Navigating the Workplace (GLN4O); Advanced Learning Strategies: Skills for Success After Secondary School (GLS4O/GLE4O).
 Supporting Education and Career/Life Planning: The “Where” of Learning 29

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