Page 23 - Creating Pathways to Success
P. 23

Transition Planning
From Kindergarten to Grade 12, as students develop their knowledge and skills in education and career/life planning, they document and reflect on their experiences and learning and weigh their options for next steps. Supporting students in this process assists them in making a smooth transition from grade to grade and from school to school as they progress through elementary and secondary school.
In Grades 7 through 12, education and career/life planning involves preparation for key transitions, including the transition from elementary to secondary school, from Grade 10 to Grade 11, and from secondary school to the student’s initial postsecondary destination.
4.1 Elementary to Secondary Transition Planning
The transition from elementary to secondary school is among the most challeng- ing periods of adolescence. This transition is a complex process, characterized by a constant tension between “being and becoming” (Tilleczek, 2010a). At this stage of their lives, students are struggling to establish their identities every day, through interactions with friends, at school, at home, and in the community. Immersed in uncertainty on several fronts, they need to feel safe and to experience a sense of belonging. They also need to take courses that align with their strengths, interests, and aspirations (Tilleczek, 2010b). Effective transition planning to secondary school begins for all students in Grade 7 and continues into and sometimes beyond Grade 9. A smooth transition contributes to a strong foundation for success in secondary school and beyond.
The IPP supports students in Grade 8 in the planning they need to do in order to make a successful transition from elementary to secondary school. They record

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