Page 17 - Creating Pathways to Success
P. 17

Table 1. Conceptual Framework: Knowledge and Skills in the Four Areas of Learning in Education and Career/Life Planning
   Inquiry Question
   Area of Learning (Knowledge and Skills)
    Who am I?
  Knowing Yourself
To help answer the question “Who am I?”, students will:
• identify the characteristics that describe who they are (e.g., interests, strengths, intelligences,
accomplishments, values, and skills, which include the learning skills and work habits evaluated on
the provincial report cards and may include the Essential Skills described in the Ontario Skills Passport);
• identify factors that have shaped who they are and that are likely to shape who they become over time;
• reflect on how these characteristics influence their thoughts and actions, and how those thoughts and
actions may in turn affect their development as learners, their relationships, and their education and career/life choices.
    What are my opportunities?
 Exploring Opportunities
To help answer the question “What are my opportunities?”, students will:
• explore the concept of “opportunity” and how the choices they make can open pathways for them;
• expand awareness of school- and community-based opportunities (e.g., recreational, social, leadership,
volunteer, part-time employment) and how these programs/activities help develop skills and relationships;
• explore a variety of fields of work, occupations, and careers, and develop awareness of the impact
of local and global trends (e.g., demographic, technological, economic, social) on the opportunities
available to them;
• investigate the preparation required for a variety of school- and community-based opportunities,
occupations, and jobs (i.e., acquiring the necessary experience, education/training, and specific skills, including the Essential Skills and work habits documented in the OSP) and how this preparation can be obtained.
    Who do I want to become?
  Making Decisions and Setting Goals
To help answer the question “Who do I want to become?”, students will:
• identify the demands, rewards, and other features of the various opportunities they have explored,
and reflect on the fit between those features and their personal characteristics;
• based on the connections they identify, use a decision-making process to determine personal and
interpersonal goals as well as education and career/life goals;
• review and revise their goals in light of changes that they recognize in themselves and in the opportunities
that are available to them.
    What is my plan for achieving my goals?
   Achieving Goals and Making Transitions
To help answer the question “What is my plan for achieving my goals?”, students will:
• create a plan that identifies in detail the steps required to achieve the goals they have set;
• identify the resources required to implement their plan;
• identify potential obstacles and challenges they may encounter in implementing their plan, and devise
possible solutions.
   Program Components and Processes 15

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