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1. Introduction 3
The Purpose of This Resource Document 3 Ministry Initiatives 5 Ontario School Board Initiatives 7 Initiatives in Other Jurisdictions 7 Framework for Promoting Positive Student Behaviour 7 Preview of the Rest of This Document 9
2. Promoting Positive Behaviour Through a Caring and
Safe School Culture 10 Guiding Principles 10 A Caring and Safe School Culture – What Does It Look Like? 11 The Influence of School Culture on Student Learning and Behaviour 12 Assessing School Culture 13 Building a Caring and Safe School Culture 16
Steps in Implementation 16 Roles and Responsibilities in Implementation 18
3. Understanding Student Behaviour 20
What Do You Need to Know? 20 Specific Conditions Affecting Behaviour 22 Communication Disorders 23 Executive Function Deficits 25 Mental Health Problems 27 Additional Factors Affecting Behaviour 29 Assessing Capacity in the School, Home, and Community 32 Areas of Knowledge: A Summary 32
4. Investigating Strategies, Tools, and Resources 34
Strategies to Promote Positive Behaviour 34 Direct Teaching of Social Skills 34 Character Development Programs 35
Une publication équivalente est disponible en français sous le titre suivant : Bienveillance et sécurité dans les écoles de l’Ontario : La discipline progressive à l’appui des élèves ayant des besoins particuliers, de la maternelle à la 12e année.
This publication is available on the Ministry of Education’s website, at

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