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School and system leaders recognize that a caring, safe, respectful, and positive learning environment is the foundation of successful and high-performing
schools and that a commitment to equity in student outcomes is a key component in creating and maintaining a culture of caring in the school. As the Draft K–12 School Effectiveness Framework (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2009c) emphasizes, “The Ontario education system has a mandate to reach every student and to bring about success for all regardless of personal circumstances. In a truly equitable system, factors such as race, gender, and socio-economic status do not limit students from achieving ambitious outcomes or truncate their life chances. In fact, barriers are removed as schools assume responsibility for creating the conditions to ensure success. The basic premise of equity is fairness and the belief in the moral impera- tive of schools to educate all students successfully. An equitable system, therefore, empowers all students to achieve” (p. 3).
 A positive school culture is one in which individuals are trusted, respected, and involved, where there is collaboration, high expectations, mutual trust, caring, and support for all individuals. They work cooperatively; intolerance does not exist, nor are students harassed or threatened. Students feel that adults care for them as a group and as individuals.
High expectations exist so that students are successful both academically and socially (Erb, as cited in Bucher & Manning, 2003; Stader, 2000; and Dodd, 2000). Furthermore, as Sautner (2001) suggests, caring for students must be given the same kind of consideration that we give to our efforts to ensure their safety.
 The Influence of School Culture on Student Learning and Behaviour
▪ The rationale for a caring and safe school culture is confirmed in research.
As DeWit, McKee, Fjeld, and Karioja (2003) have found, a positive school culture is linked to students’ sense of belonging and acceptance, which is further linked to improved academic and behavioural outcomes. In addition, the authors found that social and physical aspects of a school can positively affect student outcomes.
Other studies, including a variety of ministry surveys, also emphasize the contribution of a positive learning environment to student success. For example, The Early School Leavers: Understanding the Lived Reality of Student Disengagement From Secondary School – Final Report (Community Health Systems Resource Group, The Hospital for Sick Children, 2005) confirms that a positive school culture is a key protective factor for encouraging youth to stay in school, as do
Caring and Safe Schools

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