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As recommended by Freire (1985, 1987) reflection and adjustment are embedded in the framework so that lessons learned are incorporated into the implementation process on a continuing basis.
Preview of the Rest of This Document
▪ In the material that follows, each chapter deals with one component of the framework described in Figure 1, beginning with the topic of school culture.
In Chapter 2, “Promoting Positive Behaviour Through a Caring and Safe School Culture”, the discussion focuses on the characteristics of a caring and safe culture, and on procedures and indicators that can be used by system and school leaders to assess the culture in their schools and plan for needed improvements.
Chapter 3, “Understanding Student Behaviour”, discusses a variety of factors that influence student behaviour and that may contribute to inappropriate and/or challenging behaviour.
Chapter 4, “Investigating Strategies, Tools, and Resources”, identifies a wide variety of approaches and sources of information that school leaders can draw on in planning how to meet identified needs.
Chapter 5, “Addressing Behavioural Issues Through a Progressive Discipline Approach”, focuses on how to organize and manage a response to the identified behavioural issues and needs and offers some sample assessment and planning tools that system and school leaders can adapt to their own circumstances.
The appendix provides a blank sample planning template that school boards may find useful. In addition, a glossary is included in the document to provide explanations of a variety of terms used in the document that may not be familiar to all readers.

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