Page 39 - Building Bridges to Success for First Nation, Métis and Inuit Students – Developing Policies for Voluntary, Confidential Aboriginal Student Self-Identification: Successful Practices for Ontario School Boards
P. 39

Appendix A
Memo to Directors of Education Regarding EQAO Board and School Results for First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Students
 Ministry of Education
900 Bay Street Mowat Block
Toronto ON M7A 1L2
As you know, the Ministry
student achievement; reducing the gaps in student achievement; and increasing public confidence in education. The emerging Aboriginal Education strategy is one of several gap reducing strategies.
In his January 2006 communication to Directors of Education, the Deputy Minister informed you of the establishment of the Aboriginal Education Office (AEO). We are thrilled that Keith Lickers has agreed to serve as Acting Manager of the AEO effective January 3, 2006. A nationwide search is underway for a permanent manager, while recruitment for First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit education officers in Thunder Bay, North Bay, Barrie and London is underway.
At the First Ministers Meeting in Kelowna in November 2005, the Prime Minister, Premiers and national Aboriginal leaders agreed on a common goal with respect to Aboriginal education of closing the gap in Aboriginal students’ academic achievement within 10 years. To address that objective, the collection, analysis, and dissemination of valid and reliable data on the learning performance
of Aboriginal students is necessary.
Ontario school boards do not currently benefit from separate reporting on achievement for their First Nations, Métis and Inuit students. The absence of such a baseline makes accountability for improvement very difficult.
Ministère de l’Éducation
900, rue Bay
Édifice Mowat Toronto ON M7A 1L2
Directors of Education; Supervisory Officers of School Authorities;
Director, Provincial Schools Branch; Supervisory Officer, Centre Jules-Léger
Dominic Giroux, Assistant Deputy Minister French-Language Education and Educational Operations Division
March 21, 2006
EQAO board and school results for First Nations, Métis and Inuit students
 of Education’s Strategic Direction consists of three key goals: improving

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