Page 9 - 21st Century Competencies: Foundation Document for Discussion
P. 9

Ontario’s renewed vision for education, outlined in Achieving Excellence (Ontario Ministry of Education, 2014), articulates a commitment to define and measure 21st century competencies. This commitment is highlighted by the 2014 Ontario Budget statement that, “By 2025 . . . Ontario will be a world leader in higher-order skills, such as critical thinking and problem solving, which will allow Ontario to thrive in the increasingly competitive global marketplace” (Sousa, 2014, p. 9).
Research-based knowledge about 21st century competencies is dynamic and evolving. To remain current with developments in this field, Ontario is committed to periodic reviews of the research and ongoing revisions of previous perspectives. In this context, Ontario has the opportunity to take a leading role in identifying the 21st century competencies that will be of benefit to all students, while acknowledging the need to review and revise its understanding as we learn our way forward.
Section One: Introduction 7

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