Page 44 - 21st Century Competencies: Foundation Document for Discussion
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42 21st Century Competencies
3. economic and accountability influences on the development and use of assessments: Researchers caution that, in the face of current fiscal constraints and accountability demands, “standardized, on-demand, end-of-year tests that are easily scored and quantified for accountability purposes” may be favoured over “richer, performance- and curriculum- based assessments that can better support the development and assessment of 21st century competencies” (Pellegrino & Hilton,
2012, p. 12);
4. teacher capacity: Teacher preparation programs need to help teacher candidates develop pedagogical strategies that promote deep learning. “Both novice and experienced teachers will need time to develop new understandings of the subjects they teach as well as the understanding of how to assess 21st century competencies in these subjects, making ongoing professional learning opportunities a central facet of every teacher’s job” (Pellegrino & Hilton, 2012, p. 12).

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